Welcome to the information webpage on the Katahdin Sheep Breed and Registration in Canada!
The first lambing season since our amalgamation with Canadian Sheep Breeder’s Association (CSBA) is nearly done and registrations can be done with their approved two methods. These are tattoo or double tagging with dual CSIP (Radio Frequency in one and not in the second) tags available from Canadian Woolgrowers https://www.wool.ca/ (Quebec has their own requirement). If you have any questions on registration, the CLRC website (http://www.CLRC.ca) website will give you the person doing the sheep registrations and can help you.
There are also PDF forms pertaining to the Katahdin Breed on the side bar under Associations/ Printable Forms for downloading being the coat grading update, application to be a coat grader and registration specific for the Katahdin.
We have formed Canadian Katahdin Sheep Society (CKSS) to continue promoting the breed and help breeders learn about the breed standards primarily focusing on coat grading. Currently, we are administering the coat grader certification process including facilitating the organization the coat grading inspector certification clinics when needed. We have made some changes to make this easier and any input you have or questions please ask lynette.kreddig@franklynfarm.ca The five year renewal has been eliminated and as long as you are a paid up member (with CSBA) www.sheepbreeder.ca, you will be eligible to coat grade your Katahdins and any other flock. On the CSBA site there is also a PDF available with an outline of what to look for in conformation and what is not acceptable.
One of the CKSS’s mandates is to support as many members in becoming an Accredited Coat Grader Inspector is being worked towards with the challenges of distance and fitting in work or farm schedules to travel. We have managed to find a solution for those applying so far and if it is something you are eligible for (second year of membership), let us know ASAP so that we may be able to best help with getting you certified. Please see the section further on this webpage “What to expect when becoming an Accredited Coat Grader”.
For those not yet eligible to become an accredited coat grader but you have Katahdins that need to be coat graded, please also contact the CKSS board ASAP. We are trying to help match inspectors with those breeders that need coat grading.
It is asked why do we need to carry on this coat grading as they have dropped it for the KHSI registry? The CKSS board feels that this is likely going to happen but with the changes and some confusion over the registration we decided during amalgamation with the CSBA to continue for a few more years to bridge the process. The coat inspection is often the only chance we get to meet new members and be able to go over some of the questions they may have. We still see a variety of coats in the Katahdin breed and the idea that some coats heavy with wool in the winter, (but shed out on the Spring), do not belong in the breed still persist. The fact is the coat is not important; it is the ability to shed that makes this breed so wonderful. If you live in a colder area and your sheep are not in an enclosed in barn then there is benefit in a denser winter coat. You might not feel that way if you winter in a closed in barn.
As a breeder, experienced or new to Katahdins, it is important that you choose the breeding stock and selectively breed for the shedding coat type that meets your needs. The CKSS is here to support Katahdin breeders with information and connecting members for coat grading and inspections when needed; however, it is your responsibility as a breeder to make sure your stock meets all the breed requirements and that you understand the process, costs, and what certifications are needed and when.